📋 SayPro Post-Campaign Evaluation Form
A survey template to collect feedback from participants on their satisfaction with the event and whether they have accessed mental health services.
📝 Participant Information (Optional)
- Full Name (Optional): ___________________________
- Email (Optional, for follow-up resources): ___________________________
- Age Group: (Select one)
- ☐ Under 18
- ☐ 18-24
- ☐ 25-34
- ☐ 35-44
- ☐ 45-54
- ☐ 55+
- Location (City & Country): ___________________________
📌 Event Experience & Satisfaction
- Which SayPro event(s) did you attend? (Select all that apply)
- ☐ Webinar: Stress Management & Coping Strategies
- ☐ Workshop: Self-Care Techniques for Mental Well-Being
- ☐ Live Q&A with Mental Health Experts
- ☐ Community Resource Booth
- Overall, how satisfied were you with the event(s)?
- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Extremely Satisfied)
- ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Satisfied)
- ⭐⭐⭐ (Neutral)
- ⭐⭐ (Dissatisfied)
- ⭐ (Very Dissatisfied)
- How would you rate the quality of information provided?
- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Excellent)
- ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Good)
- ⭐⭐⭐ (Average)
- ⭐⭐ (Below Average)
- ⭐ (Poor)
- Was the information presented in a clear and accessible way?
- ☐ Yes, very clear
- ☐ Somewhat clear
- ☐ No, it was difficult to understand
- How engaging was the event?
- ☐ Very engaging
- ☐ Somewhat engaging
- ☐ Not engaging
📌 Impact & Follow-Up
- Did you learn something new about mental health?
- ☐ Yes
- ☐ No
- Have you accessed or plan to access mental health services after attending this event?
- ☐ Yes, I have accessed mental health services
- ☐ No, but I plan to in the future
- ☐ No, I don’t need to
- ☐ No, I don’t know how to
- What was the most valuable takeaway from the event for you?
- What topics would you like to see in future mental health events?
📌 Suggestions & Next Steps
- How can SayPro improve future mental health campaigns?
- Would you like to stay connected with SayPro for more mental health resources and future events?
- ☐ Yes, sign me up for the newsletter!
- ☐ No, just this event.
🔗 Submit Form: [Button for digital form submissions]
📌 Notes:
- This form can be used digitally (Google Forms, Typeform, SurveyMonkey) or as a printable PDF for in-person feedback.
- Responses will help improve future events and assess the campaign’s impact on participants’ mental health awareness.
This evaluation form ensures that SayPro gathers meaningful insights to enhance future initiatives! 🚀💙
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