SayPro Post-Training Evaluation Template
This Post-Training Evaluation template is designed to gather feedback from participants following the completion of a training session. The insights from this survey will help assess the effectiveness of the training and identify areas for improvement in future sessions.
SayPro Post-Training Evaluation Survey
Training Program: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________
Facilitator(s): ___________________________
Section 1: Overall Training Experience
1. How would you rate the overall quality of the training session?
(Select one)
- ☐ Excellent
- ☐ Good
- ☐ Average
- ☐ Poor
- ☐ Very Poor
2. Did the training meet your expectations?
(Select one)
- ☐ Exceeded expectations
- ☐ Met expectations
- ☐ Below expectations
- ☐ Did not meet expectations at all
3. How well did the content of the training align with your current job responsibilities?
(Select one)
- ☐ Very well
- ☐ Well
- ☐ Neutral
- ☐ Poorly
- ☐ Very poorly
4. How relevant were the topics covered in the training to your daily work?
(Select one)
- ☐ Very relevant
- ☐ Relevant
- ☐ Neutral
- ☐ Not very relevant
- ☐ Not relevant at all
Section 2: Content and Learning Outcomes
5. How would you rate the effectiveness of the training materials (e.g., handouts, slides, resources)?
(Select one)
- ☐ Excellent
- ☐ Good
- ☐ Average
- ☐ Poor
- ☐ Very Poor
6. Did the training provide you with new knowledge or skills?
(Select one)
- ☐ Yes, a great deal
- ☐ Yes, some
- ☐ No, not much
- ☐ No, not at all
7. Which topics covered in the training were most valuable to you?
(Select all that apply)
- ☐ Trauma-Informed Care
- ☐ Crisis Intervention Techniques
- ☐ Mental Health Awareness
- ☐ Cultural Competency
- ☐ Client Advocacy
- ☐ Ethical Decision-Making
- ☐ Other: _______________________________
8. Which topics or areas do you feel need further clarification or deeper exploration?
(Write a brief response)
Section 3: Facilitator and Delivery
9. How would you rate the facilitator’s knowledge of the subject matter?
(Select one)
- ☐ Excellent
- ☐ Good
- ☐ Average
- ☐ Poor
- ☐ Very Poor
10. How effective were the facilitator(s) in engaging participants?
(Select one)
- ☐ Very effective
- ☐ Effective
- ☐ Neutral
- ☐ Ineffective
- ☐ Very ineffective
11. How would you rate the pace of the training?
(Select one)
- ☐ Too fast
- ☐ Just right
- ☐ Too slow
12. Was the training format (in-person or virtual) appropriate for the content?
(Select one)
- ☐ Yes, very appropriate
- ☐ Yes, somewhat appropriate
- ☐ No, not really appropriate
- ☐ No, completely inappropriate
Section 4: Activities and Engagement
13. How useful were the interactive activities (e.g., role-playing, case studies, group discussions)?
(Select one)
- ☐ Very useful
- ☐ Useful
- ☐ Neutral
- ☐ Not very useful
- ☐ Not useful at all
14. Did you feel comfortable participating in the training activities and discussions?
(Select one)
- ☐ Yes, very comfortable
- ☐ Yes, somewhat comfortable
- ☐ Neutral
- ☐ No, somewhat uncomfortable
- ☐ No, very uncomfortable
15. Was the level of interaction among participants adequate?
(Select one)
- ☐ Yes, excellent interaction
- ☐ Yes, adequate interaction
- ☐ No, not enough interaction
- ☐ No, too much interaction
Section 5: Impact and Application
16. How confident are you in applying the skills and knowledge gained from this training to your daily work?
(Select one)
- ☐ Very confident
- ☐ Confident
- ☐ Neutral
- ☐ Not very confident
- ☐ Not confident at all
17. What specific skills or strategies from this training do you plan to implement in your work?
(Write a brief response)
18. Do you think the training will positively impact your ability to serve clients?
(Select one)
- ☐ Yes, definitely
- ☐ Yes, somewhat
- ☐ Neutral
- ☐ No, not really
- ☐ No, not at all
Section 6: Suggestions for Improvement
19. What aspects of the training could be improved?
(Write a brief response)
20. Are there any additional topics you would like to see covered in future training sessions?
(Write a brief response)
21. Do you have any additional comments or feedback for the facilitators or the training program?
(Write a brief response)
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! Your feedback is invaluable and will help us improve future training programs to better serve your professional development needs.
Signature (Optional): ___________________________
Date: ___________________________
Instructions for Completion:
- Please complete this evaluation at the end of the training session.
- Your responses will remain confidential and will be used to improve future training sessions.
- The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
This Post-Training Evaluation Template provides a comprehensive approach to gathering feedback about the content, delivery, and impact of the training. It will help SayPro assess the effectiveness of their training programs and continuously refine their approach to professional development.
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