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SayPro Post-Event Support: Send out follow-up surveys to gather feedback and improve future wellness programs

SayPro Post-Event Support: Sending Out Follow-Up Surveys to Gather Feedback and Improve Future Wellness Programs

After the Wellness Kickoff Campaign and the “Building Healthy Habits for the Year” workshop, it’s essential to collect feedback from participants to assess the effectiveness of the event and identify areas for improvement. Follow-up surveys are a valuable tool for gathering this information, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and refine future wellness programs.

Why Follow-Up Surveys Are Important

1. Measure Success and Impact:

  • Surveys allow you to gauge how well the event met its objectives, such as whether participants were able to set clear wellness goals, engage with the content, and feel motivated to continue their wellness journey.
  • Understanding the direct impact of the event on participants’ behavior and mindset can help determine whether the event was successful in meeting its overall goals.

2. Collect Actionable Feedback:

  • By asking targeted questions, you can gather detailed feedback on what worked well and what could be improved. This information can help refine the structure, content, and delivery of future wellness programs.
  • Participants may provide insights on topics they would like to explore further or issues they faced during the event, offering opportunities to better tailor future initiatives to their needs.

3. Enhance Participant Satisfaction:

  • Sending a follow-up survey shows that you value participants’ opinions and are committed to improving their experience. This helps build trust and encourages future participation in wellness programs.
  • When participants see that their feedback is taken seriously and acted upon, they feel more invested in future programs and are likely to engage again.

4. Identify Future Content and Resources:

  • Based on participants’ responses, you can identify gaps in the content or resources provided during the event and plan for future workshops, materials, or topics that participants are interested in.
  • This ensures that you are consistently offering valuable and relevant content that meets the evolving needs of your audience.

Key Elements to Include in a Follow-Up Survey

1. Overall Event Experience:

  • Rating Questions: Ask participants to rate various aspects of the event (e.g., the content, the workshop delivery, the registration process, the platform experience) on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10.
  • Open-Ended Questions: Include questions like “What did you enjoy most about the Wellness Kickoff Campaign?” or “What aspects of the event did you find most helpful?” to gather qualitative feedback on their experience.

Example questions:

  • “On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the overall quality of the Wellness Kickoff Campaign?”
  • “What was the most valuable takeaway from the ‘Building Healthy Habits for the Year’ workshop?”
  • “Were there any challenges you faced during the event (e.g., technical difficulties, understanding the content, engagement)?”

2. Content and Workshop Effectiveness:

  • Focus on assessing whether the content delivered in the workshop was clear, useful, and engaging. This helps identify any areas where content can be improved, expanded, or refined for future workshops.
  • Ask whether participants feel equipped to apply what they learned in the workshop to their personal wellness goals.

Example questions:

  • “How useful were the tools and resources shared in the ‘Building Healthy Habits for the Year’ workshop?”
  • “Was the content of the workshop easy to understand and apply to your wellness journey?”
  • “What topics or areas would you like to see covered in future workshops?”

3. Participant Engagement and Interaction:

  • Understanding how engaged participants were during the event can shed light on which interactive activities or engagement strategies were most effective.
  • Assess whether the use of live polling, Q&A sessions, or discussions kept participants involved, or if there are more engaging formats you could implement in the future.

Example questions:

  • “Did you feel engaged during the workshop? (e.g., through Q&A, polls, interactive discussions)”
  • “What types of activities would you like to see more of in future wellness programs?”
  • “Did the interactive features (e.g., live polling, discussions) enhance your learning experience? If not, how could they be improved?”

4. Participant Motivation and Goal Setting:

  • Survey participants about their motivation levels and the clarity of their goals after the event. This helps determine if the program succeeded in inspiring participants to set actionable health and wellness goals for the year.
  • Inquire about any barriers to goal-setting or challenges participants may be facing in staying motivated.

Example questions:

  • “How confident do you feel about achieving the health and wellness goals you set during the workshop?”
  • “Have you started implementing the strategies discussed in the workshop? If yes, which strategies are working best for you?”
  • “What obstacles, if any, have you encountered in staying on track with your wellness goals?”

5. Technical Experience and Accessibility:

  • Assess how well the SayPro platform performed during the event. Participants may provide feedback on platform usability, access issues, or technical difficulties that could affect future events.
  • Ask about the accessibility of the event, particularly for participants with diverse needs (e.g., hearing impairments, vision impairments).

Example questions:

  • “Were you able to access the event and participate without technical issues?”
  • “How easy was it to navigate the SayPro platform during the event?”
  • “Was the event accessible to you (e.g., captions, clear audio, etc.)? If not, how can we improve accessibility?”

6. Future Recommendations:

  • Encourage participants to suggest any improvements for future wellness programs. This helps ensure that the next event is even more aligned with their needs and interests.
  • Include an option for participants to recommend new topics or areas they want to learn more about in upcoming sessions.

Example questions:

  • “What improvements or changes would you suggest for future wellness programs?”
  • “Are there any specific wellness topics you’d like to see covered in future workshops?”
  • “Would you recommend this wellness program to a friend or colleague? Why or why not?”

7. General Satisfaction and Closing Remarks:

  • Close the survey with a general question asking about overall satisfaction. This helps gauge how satisfied participants were with the entire experience, from registration to post-event support.
  • Offer space for participants to leave any additional comments or suggestions.

Example questions:

  • “How satisfied were you with the overall event experience?”
  • “Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience with the Wellness Kickoff Campaign?”

Survey Distribution and Follow-Up

1. Timing:

  • Send the survey within 48-72 hours of the event. This is when participants’ experiences are still fresh in their minds.
  • If the survey is sent too late, participants may forget key details about their experience, which could impact the accuracy of their feedback.

2. Incentives:

  • Offer a small incentive (e.g., a discount on future wellness programs, access to exclusive content, or a chance to win a wellness-related prize) to encourage more participants to complete the survey.
  • A simple “thank you” email after the survey is completed also shows appreciation for their feedback.

3. Analyze and Act on Feedback:

  • Analyze the survey results to identify trends and key areas for improvement. Pay attention to recurring feedback and common suggestions to guide future programming.
  • Communicate the results and planned changes back to the participants (where appropriate). This shows that you value their input and are committed to improving the experience.


Follow-up surveys are a crucial part of the post-event process, as they provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the Wellness Kickoff Campaign and the “Building Healthy Habits for the Year” workshop. By gathering feedback from participants, SayPro can continuously refine and improve future wellness programs, ensuring they remain engaging, effective, and relevant to participants’ needs.


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